Fairground Rye

Cotton candy is a common feature of Spring Festival temple fairs. This drink incorporates that into the serve, along with a traditional teacup, very fitting for a Chinese cocktail.

Fairground Rye


  • 35ml

    Bulleit Rye

  • 25ml

    Aged Madeira

  • 15ml

    Ginger and lemongrass syrup*

  • 40ml

    Mango tea (1 tea bag or 2 teaspoons of dried mango tea for 250ml tea)

  • 1

    Ginger cotton candy garnish**

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1


  • 1


  • 1




  • Method

    Shake all the ingredients over ice and strain into a teacup.

    Serve with cotton candy on the side, which can also be dissolved in the drink for extra sweetness.

    *Ginger and Lemongrass Syrup Method

    To make 1L of syrup, mix 350g cleaned, chopped fresh ginger with 900ml cold water, slowly bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes. Take off the heat and add 1kg sugar and 10 sticks of lemongrass (slightly crushed). Stir to dissolve the sugar, and leave until cool. Strain, bottle and refrigerate.

    **Ginger Cotton Candy Method

    Add slices of fresh ginger to caster sugar for 24 hours. Remove ginger and use sugar in a small candyfloss machine. Alternatively use shop-bought candyfloss.

    Alcohol content:


    (2.1 standard drinks – 1.9 units per serve)