The Avobabo

A vodka cocktail with the addition of Avocado cordial which adds an earthy, grassy and nutty fresh flavour. By Francis Ndung'u.

Avobabo Cocktail - Avocado, Lime and Cocktail Shaker


  • 50ml

    Avocado Cordial

  • 50ml

    Ketel One Vodka

  • 20ml

    Lime Juice

  • 20ml

    Soda Water

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Highball Glass

  • 1

    Ice scoop



  • Method

    The Avobabo Cocktail

    1. Fill the highball glass ¾ with ice cubes
    2. Pour the avocado cordial, Ketel One Vodka and lime juice.
    3. Top up with soda water.
    4. Garnish with a deep-fried avocado strip on top.

    Alcohol content 15.80g


    Avocado Cordial


    500g Castor sugar,
    500ml Water,
    20g Citric Acid
    200g Avocado


    1. In a large pan put 500ml of water bring it to a boil then introduce the 500g castor sugar and citric acid together
    2. Stir until it dissolves then introduce the avocado.
    3. Cook on slow heat while muddling the avocado.
    4. Remove from heat and let it cool.
    5. After cooling, filter the cordial through a
      cheese cloth and bottle.
    6. Store the cordial in the refrigerator.