Godiva White Russian

A classic cocktail with a chocolate twist. A blend of smooth Cîroc Vodka and creamy Godiva Chocolate Liqueur mixed with Ice-cold Milk - this is one temptation you can't refuse!

Godiva White Russian


  • 25ml

    Godiva Chocolate Liqueur

  • 25ml

    Ciroc Vodka

  • 50ml

    Fresh Milk

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Rocks Glass

  • 1

    Ice Scoop

  • 1


  • 1

    Bar Spoon



  • Preparation
    1. Build in a Rocks Glass over Ice.
    2. Stir gently to combine.
  • Alcohol content

    Alcohol content:

    10g per serve

Interesting facts

The Russian has been featured in many popular films and TV shows, including The Sopranos and The Big Lebowski.

History of the drink

The Russian is a cocktail that was created in the early 20th Century and it's made with vodka, coffee liqueur and cream. It's believed that the drink was invented by a bartender in New York City.