Pampero Blanco Mai Tai

Slip into this tropical classic of Pampero Blanco Rum, Sweet and Sour Citrus and Nutty Almond.

Pampero Blanco Mai Tai


  • 50ml

    Pampero Blanco Rum

  • 15ml


  • 25ml

    Lime Juice

  • 15ml

    Orgeat Syrup

  • 1

    Mint Sprig (Garnish)

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Highball Glass

  • 1

    Ice Scoop

  • 1


  • 1


  • 1

    Bar Spoon

  • 1

    Cocktail Shaker

  • 1

    Hawthorne Strainer



  • Preparation
    1. Shake all the liquid ingredients with Ice.
    2. Strain into an Ice-filled Highball Glass.
    3. Garnish with a Mint Sprig.
  • Alcohol content

    Alcohol content

    24 g per serve

Interesting facts

In 2007, the Mai Tai was voted ‘Most Popular Cocktail’ by bartenders in a survey conducted by Cocktail Magazine.

History of the drink

Mai Tai is a Polynesian cocktail that was invented in 1944 by Victor J. Bergeron, also known as ‘Trader Vic’. The name Mai Tai comes from the Tahitian word ‘maita'I’, which means ‘good’. The original Mai Tai recipe called for 17-year-old Jamaican Rum, fresh lime juice, orange liqueur, orgeat syrup and a dash of rock candy syrup. Trader Vic's Mai Tai quickly became a popular drink at his restaurant and bar in San Francisco. In the 1950's and 1960's the Mai Tai became a symbol of the Tiki culture in America.