Flat White Rumtini

A sophisticated blend of Baileys, Captain Morgan Spiced Gold Rum, and rich espresso, finished with a pinch of nutmeg. Adorned with three coffee beans, it's a refined and captivating cocktail worth adding to your menu.

Flat White Rumtini


  • 30ml

    Baileys Original Irish Cream

  • 20ml

    Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold Rum

  • 60ml

    Double Shot Fresh Espresso

  • 1

    Pinch of Nutmeg

  • 3

    Coffee Beans to garnish

0 units of alcohol per serve



  • Method
    1. Add all ingredients into a Boston Tin.
    2. Fill tin with ice.
    3. Shake for 10-12 seconds (wet shake).
    4. Strain ingredients into half of the tin and discard the ice.
    5. Shake again without ice for 6-8 seconds (dry shake).
    6. Double strain into a coupe glass.
    7. Garnish with coffee beans.



    9.6 g per serve