Blue cocktail with garnish.

Crafting World Class Cocktails: Trends, Tips & Techniques

Get insider tips and advice from World Class winners on how to craft competition-worthy cocktails that will keep your customers coming back.

Authors: Adrián Michalčík and Kaitlyn Stewart

Estimated watch time: 64 Minutes


4.16 – 6.00 – Why you should elevate your drinks experience at your venue

  • Key insights into guest behaviour

6.01 – 32.04 – How to create a world class drinking experience

  • Exclusive Bees In a Trap cocktail demo
  • Finding inspiration to craft a new cocktail
  • Building the concept and story for your serve
  • Crafting a quality cocktail and critiquing your creation

32:06 – 56.52 – Current bar industry trends and insights

  • Sustainability and using local ingredients
  • Non-alcoholic and low alcohol cocktails
  • Minimalist serves and trending flavour profiles
  • Exclusive Northern Lights cocktail demo

56.54 – 1.03.17 – How to continually improve your guest experience

  • Top tips and resources