Crown Royal Black Manhattan

A Manhattan that's worthy of the Crown! Smooth Crown Royal Black Blended Canadian Whisky chilled with Sweet Vermouth and a Dash of Bitters and served straight up with a Maraschino Cherry - magnificent!

Crown Royal Black Manhattan


  • 1.75oz

    Crown Royal Black Blended Canadian Whisky

  • 0.25oz

    Sweet Vermouth

  • 0.25oz

    Sugar Syrup

  • 1

    Dash of Orange Bitters

  • 1

    Cherry (Garnish)

0 units of alcohol per serve


  • 1

    Ice Scoop

  • 1


  • 1

    Manhattan Glass

  • 1

    Julep Strainer

  • 1

    Mixing Glass

  • 1

    Bar Spoon

  • 1




  • Preparation
    1. Add all the ingredients to an ice-filled Mixing glass.
    2. Stir to mix, chill and dilute.
    3. Strain into a chilled Martini glass.
    4. Garnish with a Cherry.
  • Alcohol Content

    Alcohol content

    Alcohol content: 17.2g per serve

Interesting facts

The spec for this drink can be tweaked to suit different palates by either creating the 'Sweet', 'Dry' or 'Perfect' Manhattan.

History of the drink

The Olean, New York, Sunday Morning Herald published a story in September 1882, and is believed to the earliest recorded written mention of the Manhattan. A combination of Whisky, Vermouth and Bitters only recently became popular following a statement from the same article regarding the name of this mixture. 'It went under numerous titles - Manhattan Cocktail, Turf Club Cocktail, and Jockey Club Cocktail'.